It is somewhat disturbing to me that my "rest" from thesis work consists of reading for my other classes, but it is what it is. As my husband seems to have appropriated my brand-new Kindle, this is not a bad thing for the moment.
I should also be encouraged that I was able to finish the section draft--which was somehow simultaneously like pulling teeth and trying to cram a huge, expanding blob of amorphous something ("space jelly"?!) into a tiny, tiny little box (one that is not bigger on the inside)--in the face of all the harsh blows that life has dealt my family and friends in the past few weeks. So, Life, or Karma, or Fate, or Whatever - if you could just hold off for another week or two on all the bad news, I'd really appreciate it. My complete draft is due by the end of February, so feel free to pencil that in on your calendar.
My kids have started calling me "Dad" sometimes by accident. This is both funny and a little disturbing, as it used to be him mistakenly called "Mom." It seems indicative to me of the parent they are spending more time with, and it makes me a little sad. I suppose I should just be greatful that they still remember what I look like.
I have set myself a couple of incentives for achieving thesis goals. I think, once the first draft is finished, my husband and I will have a serious conversation about Netflix (assuming that I will once again have a few free hours to watch TV or read for pleasure or something). I would love, once I graduate, to begin guitar lessons, as I have been so impressed with how well my beautiful girls are doing with their guitar and piano lessons. Of course, the main incentive in all of this is just to finish so that I don't have to spend any more time researching and writing the damn thing.
That having been said, I should note that I will often stop in my research to observe "that would be a really cool topic for a paper/book/dissertation!" (Did I really just type that last one?!?! I can't believe I even thought it!)
A last thing, if anyone out there is interested. I blogged my entire Jamestown Field School experience from the summer of 2010, with a few later updates. I used my blog as my field journal for class credit, so it is quite comprehensive, but also written for a general audience. To be honest, I think I did a good job, and I'm quite proud of it. I feel as though it reads like a book, with a big dénouement, although you have to page back to May's entries to read it chronologically. It was a terrific experience, and I find it's still shaping my research and my field methods. Anyway, it's at:
Just in case anyone is interested.
And just to end on a high note - here is my favorite internet meme from this week:
Substitute that Corona with a Shiner or a glass of Bailey's, and it's like screenshots from This is Your Life.
Thanks for reading. Off to take the Littlest One to Kindergarten.
Be well.
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